dh 8th March 2021

Marion, a true and genuine lady, a lady we wish we'd known longer than the time we were fortunate enough to be able to call her our friend, a friend of our family. Her dedication to Richard, to her family and to her friends was second to none. Her belief in Richard to succeed and realise his life's ambition, can be described as nothing less than the true definition of tolerance and devout love for the man. In times like these, words fail us, they fall short of really doing justice to the person we all knew and loved, and will continue to do so. We only hope that you know how much we too loved and admired Marion. We are grateful to have spent time with her, to have had her wise counsel when we needed it most. Marion was funny, kind, caring and true. She was not one to suffer fools gladly, but she sure as hell knew how to look after those who stole her heart. We will miss her dearly, and when we think of her it will be with a smile on our faces. To her children, you're all grown now, always remember she gave you the best of her and taught you how to be the best you can be. Thinking of you all, with love Paul, Debbie & Ryan xx